PACKAGE personnel_cur_pkg IS -- Full access to employee table. CURSOR emp_full_cur RETURN employee%ROWTYPE; -- Full access to department table. CURSOR dept_full_cur RETURN department%ROWTYPE; /* || Lots of variations of name formats. Useful in forms and reports. || First create a record (we have several derived values and so will || not be able to use a %ROWTYPE against a table). */ TYPE emp_names_rec IS RECORD (first_name employee.first_name%TYPE, last_name employee.last_name%TYPE, last_first_name VARCHAR2 (100), first_last_name VARCHAR2 (100), full_name VARCHAR2 (100), initcap_name VARCHAR2 (100) ); CURSOR emp_names_cur (id_in IN NUMBER) RETURN emp_names_rec; /* || Record and cursor to return the employee/department key/desc || combo. This is an example of a pre-joined cursor for use by || developers who should not have to worry about how to get the data. */ TYPE emp_dept_rec IS RECORD (employee_id employee.employee_id%TYPE, employee_name VARCHAR2 (100), department_id department.department_id%TYPE, department_name ); CURSOR emp_dept_cur RETURN emp_dept_rec; /* || Record and cursor to generate analysis data for the employee and || department tables. Again, use a record to include derived data. */ TYPE sal_analysis_rec IS RECORD (department_id department.department_id%TYPE, department_name, max_salary NUMBER, min_salary NUMBER, avg_salary NUMBER ); CURSOR sal_analysis_cur (dept_in IN NUMBER) RETURN sal_analysis_rec; END personnel_cur_pkg; PACKAGE personnel_cur_pkg IS /* || Retrieve all data from (potentially) all employee records. Notice || that both the return list and the SELECT statement are dynamic. || As columns are added to the employee table they become available || through this cursor without any code changes. The same is true for || the dept_full_cur cursor. */ CURSOR emp_full_cur RETURN employee%ROWTYPE IS SELECT * FROM employee; CURSOR dept_full_cur RETURN department%ROWTYPE; IS SELECT * FROM department; /* || Construct variations of employee name. Suppose I have a || Jenny Humboldt, who is also a PhD. Then the cursor returns || the following name formats: || first_name JENNY || last_name HUMBOLDT || last_first_name HUMBOLDT, JENNY || first_last_name JENNY HUMBOLDT || full_name MS. JENNY HUMBOLDT, PhD || initcap_name Jenny Humboldt */ CURSOR emp_names_cur (id_in IN NUMBER) RETURN emp_names_rec IS SELECT UPPER (first_name) first_name, UPPER (last_name) last_name, UPPER (last_name) ||', ' || UPPER (first_name) last_first_name, UPPER (first_name) || ' ' || UPPER (last_name) first_last_name, DECODE (gender, 'M', 'Mr. ', 'Ms. ') || UPPER (first_name) || ' ' || UPPER (last_name) || DECODE (title, NULL, NULL, ', ' || title) full_name, INITCAP (UPPER (first_name) || ' ' || UPPER (last_name)) initcap_name FROM employee WHERE employee_id = id_in; -- Join of employee and department tables, hidden behind cursor. CURSOR emp_dept_cur RETURN emp_dept_rec IS SELECT employee_id, first_name || ' ' || last_name, D.department_id, FROM employee E, department D WHERE E.department_id = D.department_id; -- Apply group functions to produce analytical values for cursor. CURSOR sal_analysis_cur (dept_in IN NUMBER) RETURN sal_analysis_rec IS SELECT E.department_id,, MAX (salary), MIN (salary), AVG (salary) FROM employee E, department D WHERE E.department_id = dept_in AND D.department_id = dept_in GROUP BY E.department_id,; END personnel_cur_pkg; /* To use one of these cursors, simply qualify the name of the cursor with the package name, as follows: OPEN personnel_cur_pkg.sal_analysis_cur (:dept.dept_id); FETCH personnel_cur_pkg.sal_analysis_cur INTO sal_rec; IF sal_rec.avg_salary < company_wide_avg_sal THEN give_bonuses (:dept.dept_id); END IF; CLOSE personnel_cur_pkg.sal_analysis_cur; As you can see, you will get the most leverage and flexibility out of such a package and package cursors if you can make use of the programmer-defined record structures. */