PROCEDURE highlight_record (block_in IN VARCHAR2) IS /* Name of current item in block */ curr_item VARCHAR2 (80); /* The internal handle for an item */ item_id ITEM; BEGIN /* If not already in this block, go to it */ IF :SYSTEM.CURSOR_BLOCK != block_in THEN GO_BLOCK (block_in); END IF; /* Initialize the current item for the WHILE loop */ curr_item := GET_BLOCK_PROPERTY (block_in, FIRST_ITEM); /* Define a label for the loop */ <> WHILE curr_item IS NOT NULL LOOP /* Get the ID for this item. For better performance */ item_id := FIND_ITEM (block_in||'.'||curr_item); /* If this item is displayed, then highlight it */ IF GET_ITEM_PROPERTY (item_id, DISPLAYED) = 'TRUE' THEN SET_ITEM_PROPERTY (item_id, VISUAL_ATTRIBUTE, 'va_highlight'); END IF; /* Go the next item in the block */ curr_item := GET_ITEM_PROPERTY (item_id, NEXTITEM); END LOOP through_block; - Loop label END highlight_record;